martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

What my pupils do in my class

This is a presentation that one of my pupils made in my English class.
We studied the superlatrive" and in the school we have also dedicated this course to the cinema and different movies


20 websides for ENGLISH CLASSROOM

How to apply tools in our classroom


This tool is very useful to many different things as

  • To learn or review new vocabulary towards songs
  • To be more confident in listening comprehension
  • Review some new gramatical estructures.
One easy way is singing at the same time and stopping for  improving new vocabulary. 


You can make a video with your students to practice speaking in real situations,role play- Students will be more confident a have a fun time.


Pupils create their own avatar. they parctise different skills as listening and speaking  and at the same time , they learnt new vocabulary

I would do all these activities with the oldest pupils in the computer´s room

google form" Welsh culture"


presentation Welsh culture


miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

An amazing song

 Do you want to sing? Here you have and amazing and funny song

Introducing my new blog

Hi everyone
This is my new blog where you will find some interesting things for your class. I hope you like and enjoy.

This is a London map made with  famous or important people's can read Sherlock Holmes or Bridget Jones, but what other names can you find? Try  and enjoy!!!